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MSSC Winter Sleepout - 2017
Once again, students of Murrumba SS College will be holding a Sleepout in August this year to experience what it might be like for our homeless youth who sleep rough on our streets every night.
Our students will be required to pack all of their bedding and food for 2 days as well as their school uniform and books, which they will need to carry with them at school. The food they bring must not need to be cooked, heated or refrigerated and they are only permitted to bring a pillow, sleeping bag and a blanket to for the night. This must also be carried with them at school until they go home after the sleep out.
We would appreciate any donation you are able to make, all of which will go to Mission Australia. The fundraising for this event is not the main focus but rather an 'added bonus'. The main focus of this event is for our students to have a small glimpse into what it might be like for our homeless youth who sleep rough every night.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to our charity of choice. Thanks so much for your support!
Mission Australia
Mission Australia is a national Christian charity motivated by a shared vision of an Australia where everyone has a safe home and can thrive. Since 1859, we’ve been standing alongside people in need across Australia, offering real hope that has lasting impact.
Backed by our supporters, churches, partners and funders, we work together for the longterm wellbeing of anyone who needs us by collaborating with them to tackle the root causes of their challenges.
Every day we deliver homelessness crisis and prevention services, provide social and affordable housing, assist struggling families and children, address mental health issues, fight substance dependencies, support people with disability and much more.
Mission Australia believes a person’s circumstances shouldn’t define their future and that given the right support, everyone can reach their full potential.That’s why we stand together with Australians in need, until they can stand for themselves.
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